Analysis and Design of E-Plane Scanning Grid Arrays

作者:Iturri Hinojosa Alejandro*; Martinez Lopez Jose I; Martynyuk Alexander E
来源:IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2010, 58(7): 2266-2274.


A quasi-optical beam steering multilayer lens with scanning in E-plane is analyzed. A full-wave mathematical model is developed to predict the scanning characteristics of the lens. The model is used to optimize the performance of a three-bit beam steering lens. It is demonstrated that the calculated conversion coefficients for the optimized lens are better than -2.1 dB in the frequency band from 27.5 to 32.5 GHz for transmission elevation angles up to 28 degrees. A two-bit lens that corrects the phase front at the aperture of a short E-plane sectoral horn has been designed, fabricated and tested to verify the model. Measured radiation pattern of the E-plane sectoral horn with correcting lens agrees well with the predictions based on the model.