
A Quasi Quantum treatment (QQT) of the rotational inelastic NO(X)-He collisions in the pure Hund's case (a) spin orbit state conserving transitions is extended to the mixed Hund's case (a) spin orbit state conserving and changing transitions. To enable this extension a polar and azimuthal angle dependent intermolecular hard-shell PES, V-S(R-S, gamma(R), chi(R)) = E-S has been developed. The DCSs and ICSs calculated by QQT are compared with those obtained from QM exact calculations onto a full R-range ab initio PES. The rotationally inelastic scattering of NO(X) from He presents a paradigm for the rotationally inelastic scattering at a thermal collision energy of molecules residing in a Pi electronic rotational eigenstate.

  • 出版日期2018-10-25
  • 单位吉林大学; 中国地震局