
Background: Short sleep duration has been found to be closely related to several endocrine and metabolic dysfunctions. However, evidence of the association between insufficient sleep and bone health was limited. @@@ Objective: The present study was aimed to examine the relationships between sleep duration and bone mineral density (BMD) in Chinese women. @@@ Methods: Six hundred and two women aged 18-80 years were analyzed. Sleep duration was collapsed to form categories of 5 h or less, 6 h, 7 h, 8 h, and 9 h or more. Total and regional BMD were measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Multiple regression analysis was performed to examine the relationships between sleep duration categories and BMD. @@@ Results: Women with a short sleeping duration were more likely to have lower total and all body regional BMD after adjusting for potential covariates (all p values for trend <0.05). Compared to those who slept 8 h, individuals who slept 5 h or less and 6 h had significant lower total and regional BMD ((3 coefficients ranged -0.07 to -0.11, all p<0.05). When further divided women into 18-44 years old and 45 years or older groups, and reran the regression models, the significant associations between BMD and sleep duration were only observed in 45 years or older group. @@@ Conclusions: Significant variations in total and regional BMD with sleep duration were observed in women. Decreased sleep duration closely associated with lower BMD, especially in middle-age and elderly women. These findings may lead to the development of better preventive approaches to osteoporosis in women through identification of potential modifiable risk factors.