Dynamical symmetries, coherent states and nonlinear realizations: The SO(2,4) case

作者:Arbuzov Andrej B; Cirilo Lombardo Diego Julio*
来源:International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 2018, 15(1): 1850005.


Nonlinear realizations of the SO(4, 2) group are discussed from the point of view of symmetries. Dynamical symmetry breaking is introduced. One linear and one quadratic model in curvature are constructed. Coherent states of the Klauder-Perelomov type are defined for both cases taking into account the coset geometry. A new spontaneous compactification mechanism is defined in the subspace invariant under the stability subgroup. The physical implications of the symmetry rupture in the context of nonlinear realizations and direct gauging are analyzed and briefly discussed.

  • 出版日期2018-1