
Physical therapy and canine rehabilitation are becoming increasingly important after injury and orthopaedic surgery. There are many application modalities providing ideal support to the patient and allowing a faster recovery; for example, due to cold compression therapy. When used after TPLO in dogs cold compression therapy causes less swelling, pain reduction and promotes a faster return to full function of the affected limb. It is supposed that cold compression therapy and the related hypothermia lead to vasoconstriction, a reduced cell metabolism, reduced motor and sensory nerve conduction velocity, reduction in pain and less swelling in the affected area. This article focuses on available literature from veterinary journals as well as thematically related literature from human medicine and an analysis thereof. The objective of this paper is to summarise and discuss current literature relating to the postoperative use of cold compression therapy in canine rehabilitation. Due to the lack of available literature there is definitively a need for further evidence-based research and clinical studies to evaluate the effectiveness, application security and standardised usage in postoperative canine rehabilitation after orthopaedic surgery.

  • 出版日期2017-4
