A novel three-dimensional desalination system utilizing honeycomb-shaped lattice structures for flow-electrode capacitive deionization

作者:Cho Younghyun; Lee Ki Sook; Yang SeungCheol; Choi Jiyeon; Park Hong ran; Kim Dong Kook
来源:ENERGY %26 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 2017, 10(8): 1746-1750.


A highly compact and scalable three-dimensional desalination cell was realized by utilizing honeycomb-shaped porous lattice scaffolds. It did not require a free-standing ion exchange membrane and a thick current collector. Furthermore, the porous structure can act as a structural scaffold. Therefore, it can be readily scaled-up in three dimensions allowing enhanced salt removal capacity. This provides great potential for scale-up and commercialization of desalination using the capacitive deionization technology.