
In mammals, thyroid hormone responsive Spot14 (THRSP) is a small acidic protein that responds to thyroid hormone stimulation and, therefore, is thought to play a role in growth. The current study was designed to investigate the associations of Spot14 alpha. gene polymorphisms on chicken growth and body composition traits. The Northeast Agricultural University Resource Population (NEAURP) was used in the present study. The NEAURP was established by crossing broiler sires, derived from Northeast Agricultural University broiler lines divergently selected for abdominal fat content, with Baier layer dams, a local Chinese breed. The F, birds were intercrossed to produce the F-2 population. Body weight and body composition traits were measured in the F2 population. Polymorphisms of the gene were detected between parental lines by DNA sequencing. Primers were designed according to the chicken Spot14 alpha gene (AY568628). The PCR-RFLP and PCR-length polymorphisms methods were then developed to genotype polymorphisms in the NEAURP. The A213C and 9 bp insertion-deletion of the Spot14 alpha, gene in the F2 population was found to be associated with BW, which implied that Spot14 alpha gene or a tightly linked gene had an important effect on growth in the chicken.