
Recently Aharony, Bergman and Jafferis (ABJ) have argued that a 3d U(N M)(k) x U(N)(-k) Chern-Simons gauge theory may have a vacuum with N = 6 supersymmetry only if M <= k and if a certain period of the B-field in a IIA background is quantized. We use a braneology argument to argue that N = 3 supersymmetry may be preserved under the weaker condition that 2Nk >= M(M - k) with no restriction on the B-field. IIB brane cartoons and 11d supergravity solutions corresponding to N = 3 vacua that do not preserve N = 6 supersymmetry are argued to represent cascading gauge theories, generalizing the N = 2 Seiberg duality conjectured by Giveon and Kutasov. While as usual the M2-brane charge runs as a result of the twisted Bianchi identity for *G(4), the M5-brane charge running relies on the fact that it wraps a torsion homology cycle.

  • 出版日期2009-12