
The aim of this study was to identify predictors of poor health in children less than two years of age from river-dwelling families in Para State, Brazil. A total of 202 children were evaluated, considering poor health as the outcome variable, consisting of the combination of nutritional status, psychomotor development, and intercurrent illnesses in the previous month. The data were analyzed with a multilevel hierarchical model, and predictors of poor health were defined as variables with p < 0.05 after adjustment. According to the crude odds ratio, poor health is associated with families that own their own homes, are older, and present exclusive breastfeeding at two, three, four, and five months. After adjustment, children with families that own their homes showed 2.76 greater odds of having poor health; poor health also increased with age, and was 5.04 higher among children from 18 to 23 months, as compared to infants less than 7 months of age. In these communities, home owning and higher age represent longer exposure to the risk of poor health.

  • 出版日期2010-2