Assessment of age and growth in common tree frog, Polypedates maculatus Gray by skeletochronology

作者:Andia B N*; Dixit P K; Behera S; Mishra G; Behera H N
来源:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B-Biological Sciences, 2010, 80: 221-229.


The continuous growth and increase in the total mass of different organs have been confirmed by the significant positive correlation of morphometric parameters like body weight, S-V length, bone weight and gonad weight. The increasing relative weight of the bone up to a certain phase followed by its decrease indicated the slow rate of growth with advancement of age. It has been observed that the relative weight of both testis and ovary increased up to the body weight of 8.0 grams and remained constant thereafter. This fact indicated that the animals become sexually mature, when they attain a body weight of almost 8-9 grams in both sexes. Cross sections of diaphyses of the humerus and femur of tree frogs of a complete age series revealed that there was no distinct annulation in the animals below one year in the wild. They are considered as immature young. It appeared that the animals attained sexual maturity at the body weight of about 8-9 grams at an age of 1 year in both sexes. The old animals exhibited almost complete calcified 3-4 annual rings, which suggest that the life span of common tree frog is 3-4 years.

  • 出版日期2010-9