A triple urocortin knockout mouse model reveals an essential role for urocortins in stress recovery

作者:Neufeld Cohen Adi; Tsoory Michael M; Evans Andrew K; Getselter Dmitriy; Gil Shosh; Lowry Christopher A; Vale Wylie W*; Chen Alon
来源:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010, 107(44): 19020-19025.


Responding to stressful events requires numerous adaptive actions involving integrated changes in the central nervous and neuroendocrine systems. Numerous studies have implicated dysregulation of stress-response mechanisms in the etiology of stress-induced psychopathophysiologies. The urocortin neuropeptides are members of the corticotropin-releasing factor family and are associated with the central stress response. In the current study, a triple-knockout (tKO) mouse model lacking all three urocortin genes was generated. Intriguingly, these urocortin tKO mice exhibit increased anxiety-like behaviors 24 h following stress exposure but not under unstressed conditions or immediately following exposure to acute stress. The inability of these mutants to recover properly from the exposure to an acute stress was associated with robust alterations in the expression profile of amygdalar genes and with dysregulated serotonergic function in stress-related neurocircuits. These findings position the urocortins as essential factors in the stress-recovery process and suggest the tKO mouse line as a useful stress-sensitive mouse model.

  • 出版日期2010-11-2