
In this paper, a new crash/dynamics mathematical model is developed to optimise the crashworthiness using vehicle dynamics control systems (VDCS) in case of full frontal vehicle-to-vehicle crash scenario. In this model, the anti-lock braking system (ABS) and the active suspension control system (ASC) are co-simulated with the full car vehicle dynamics model and integrated with the front-end structure. The associated equations of motion of the model are developed and solved numerically. Validation of the vehicle crash structure of the proposed model is achieved to ensure that the modelling of the crumple zone and the dynamic responses are reliable. It is demonstrated from the numerical simulations that the vehicle dynamic responses are captured and analysed and the influence of VDCS is determined accurately. In addition, it is shown that the mathematical model is flexible, useful and can be used in optimisation studies. Furthermore, it is shown that the VDCS affect the crash characteristics positively.

  • 出版日期2013-10-1