Aronia dietary drinks fortified with selected herbal extracts preserved by thermal pasteurization and high pressure carbon dioxide

作者:Skapska Sylwia; Marszalek Krystian*; Wozniak Lukasz; Zawada Katarzyna; Wawer Iwona


The aim of this study was to design innovative aronia-herbal drinks, with a high content (80%) of fruit juice and high antioxidant capacity. Drinks contained cloudy aronia (chokeberry, Aronia melanocarpa) juice and extracts of cistus (Cistus incanus), green tea (Camellia sinensis) and nettle (Urtica dioica). Drinks were prepared in two lines: traditional with sucrose and a dietary version of 30% lower energy value with stevia extracts. Drinks were preserved using high pressure carbon dioxide (HPCD) and by thermal pasteurization (TP). Antioxidant capacity (AC) was assayed using ORAC, ABTS and DPPH tests, also the total content of polyphenols (TCP) and anthocyanins (TCA) were determined. Addition of herbal extracts to drinks increased the AC up to the level of 100% juice. The AC measured with the ORAC method was 20% (traditional line) and 16% (dietary line) higher than the sum of the ACs of the individual components, indicating the synergistic effect of fruit and herbal components. The DPPH test also showed a 14% synergistic effect for sucrose sweetened drinks. HPCD treatment reduced TCA in drinks by ca. 2-3 times less compared to TP; sucrose had a significant protective effect.

  • 出版日期2017-11