
On the basis of students' English vocabulary learning, this study verifies the feasibility of Ebbinghaus' memory law and multi-sensory teaching method in English classroom design, in which the summary of memory accumulation and multi-sensory mobilization is closely related to the current results of brain science research. The design of English classroom should focus on the timing of providing new information and the frequency of reviewing old knowledge according to Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve, so as to help English learners convert the received information into long-term memory, in which the central word and the synonym / antonym memory method related to associative memory method can be adopted by the classroom designers. At the same time, reading, writing, listening and speaking multi-sensory transfer should also be promoted in teaching practice, since it not only promotes associative memory, but also helps learners keep their emotional cognition positive for a long time. The results of this study provide a theoretical basis for the application of brain science in English classroom design, and give some specific suggestions on how to implement it. On the one hand, it enlightens the practice of English education and provides a different teaching mode from the traditional one. On the other hand, it helps learners better understand the learning mechanism of the brain, and scientific learning methods help them improve their learning efficiency to achieve effect of higher quality learning.
