
In this paper, taking the Hefei City in China as an example, a population-weighted urbansurface thermalenvironment index (I-PWUSTE) is constructed with the MODIS-based land surface temperature (LST) and the spatial population retrieved from night-time light satellite observations. The results show that the spatial distribution of I-PWUSTE corresponds well with the actual distribution of the urbanland covers with their surface thermalenvironments (STEs). Firstly, I-PWUSTE can consider and reliably reflect the anthropogenic effects on the urban surface, because spatial I-PWUSTE matches well with spatial population and city size. Secondly, I-PWUSTE is also useful to understand and reveal the population exposure to high temperature. Thirdly, comparing with the 1-km grid MODIS-based LST, I-PWUSTE has a higher resolution of 0.5-km and improves the spatial description of STEs. Over all, I-PWUSTE can be effectively applied to reveal the heat exposure of a population and to alleviateheatwave impacts in urban areas in the summer.