
Two dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DODA(+)) salts of a new keplerate with the general formula [Mo132O312S60(SO4)(x)(H2O)(132-2)(x)]((12 + 2)(x)()-) and abbreviated DODA(n)-Mo132S60 (n = 44, 56) were synthesised and characterised. Both clusters were fully characterised by the combination of Polarised Optical Microscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Small-angle X-Ray Diffraction showing self-organisation in lamellar (L) liquid crystalline phases. We demonstrated that the lamellar periodicity h of the mesophases can be controlled with the number of DODA(+) associated to the clusters. Finally, these new results were compared to those gained from a previously published analogue, the fully oxo keplerate noted DODA(36)-Mo-132 that also self-organise with temperature, but in a slightly more structured lamellar liquid crystalline phase.

  • 出版日期2014-7-3