
Unlike the medical profession, traditional built environment professional education and training may not foster the development of a shared cross-professional identity. However, such a shared identity is a prerequisite for successfully integrating sustainable development principles along the built environment value chain, as it would help to overcome the existing level of fragmentation amongst professionals and the industry in general. Furthermore, a shared identity could support the definition of a shared goal: the creation, operation, preservation and development of a sustainable built environment. A set of common values based on a firm commitment (such as the Hippocratic Oath in medicine) is argued as being central to built environment professional practice, education and training because it will facilitate the development of such a shared professional identity: a built environment fellowship. Elements of recent educational reforms within the medical profession are considered for their ability to reinforce the shared professional commitment among medical professionals and to assess their potential adaptability for built environment professional education and training.

  • 出版日期2013-2-1