
The anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) in highly ordered Fe4N films was examined in the measurement configuration with an in-plane temperature gradient (del T-x). The anomalous Nernst coefficient (Q(s)) in the case of del T-x parallel to Fe4N[110] was clearly larger than that in the case of del x parallel to Fe4N[100]. Note here that no reports on the Q(s) in Fe4N films have been presented. This anisotropic Q(s) (Q(ani)) was also observed in a different configuration with an out-of-plane temperature gradient. Unlike Fe4N, pure Fe and A2-FeAl systems showed a negligible Q(ani). This Q(ani) might be attributed to the specific hybridization effects between the 3d orbitals of Fe and the 2p orbitals of N.

  • 出版日期2017-7