
Based on the meshing theory of the Hy-Vo silent chain plate-sprocket-cutter system, the basic meshing design system of dual phase Hy-Vo silent chain is built. The polygon effects of Hy-Vo silent chain are contrastingly analyzed through the geometrical analysis method in one-phase and dual phase transmission systems. The ideal multi-variation conditions of the parameters of Hy-Vo silent chain are reached. The calculation of inner meshing overhang is pointed out in dual phase transmission system. Combined with a specific example, the multi-body dynamic model of inner-outer meshing Hy-Vo silent chain is established in dual phase transmission system, and the relations of system fluctuation quantities are analyzed. The research shows that as the parameters of inner-outer meshing Hy-Vo silent chain in dual phase transmission system become closer to the ideal multi-variation conditions, the polygon effect is smaller. It could supply the theoretical basis for the parameter design of multi-variation of dual phase Hy-Vo silent chain transmission system, and provide the theoretical instruction for the dynamic meshing analysis of dual phase Hy-Vo silent chain transmission system.