
Proper fingerprint feature extraction is crucial in fingerprint-matching algorithms. For good results, different pieces of information about a fingerprint image, such as ridge orientation and frequency, must be considered. It is often necessary to improve the quality of a fingerprint image in order for the feature extraction process to work correctly. In this paper we present a complete (fully implemented) improved algorithm for fingerprint feature extraction, based on numerous papers on this topic. The paper describes a fingerprint recognition system consisting of image preprocessing, filtration, feature extraction and matching for recognition. The image preprocessing includes normalization based on mean value and variation. The orientation field is extracted and Gabor filter is used to prepare the fingerprint image for further processing. For singular point detection, the Poincare index with a partitioning method is used. The ridgeline thinning is presented and so is the minutia extraction by CN algorithm. The paper contains the comparison of obtained results to the other algorithms.

  • 出版日期2013