
The conviction that knowledge acquired via scientific research could be out of the ordinary, or on a higher level, with respect to other forms of knowledge, whether artistic or cultural, was very deep-rooted among 20th century male scientists. At the same time, many scientists emphasized the objective character of their discoveries that allowed them access to an atmosphere of "reality" removed from value judgments and social ideologies, although this interpretation could also be debated. Perhaps "male Science" never held such a romantic position, nor its very name was always associated with the greatest opportunity and the highest ideals.
This paper takes into consideration the academic impact of Karlik and Bernert in their search for the last natural occurring element (astatine, Z=85) and it discusses pertinent topics, such as the increased number of discoveries in the nineteenth century due not only to female scientists working with their husbands (Curie and Noddack).

  • 出版日期2015-12