
Today, the genomic revolution in epidemiology, medicine and population based genetic association studies are results of on-going refocusing efforts toward development of inexpensive and accurate techniques for SNP genotyping. Despite this considerable gain, high throughput and routinely applicable newer SNP detection techniques are still needed. Therefore, aim of this study was to develop and validate a simple, rapid and inexpensive restriction enzyme based method for genotyping of corticotrophin-releasing hormone receptor1 (CRHR1; rs1396862: C > T) gene variant. This polymorphism has been investigated in a variety of psychiatric and association studies of asthma. A total of 250 healthy volunteers were recruited from same ethnicity and their blood DNA samples were employed for genotyping. Primers were designed using Batch primer3 Software. Specificity and functionality of primers were tested with BLAST database and UCSC In-silco PCR respectively. The lake of a PstI recognition site was seen with T allele. The allele frequencies for rs1396862: C > T were 0.88 (C allele) and 0.12 (T allele). We get 100 % concordant genotyping results for sequencing and PCR-RFLP. This newer genotyping approach lowers the cost and increased the speed. It is particularly useful for small basic research studies of complex genetic disorder.

  • 出版日期2014-5
