Investigaˋˋo diagn車stica de erros inatos do metabolismo em um hospital universit芍rio

作者:Amancio; Fatima Aparecida Mazzini; Scalco; Fernanda Berto; Coelho; Claudio Antonio Rabello
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2007.


objective: to establish the frequency of inborn errors of metabolism (iem) in a cohort of patients with a diagnostic hypothesis of iem, deriving from the hospital das cl赤nicas da faculdade de medicina de botucatu of unesp and to analyse the methodology used for this investigation. methods: 1,233 urine samples from 905 patients were screened for iem by chemical tests and chromatographic techniques. results: iem were diagnosed in 18 patients; twelve of these showed alterations in the iem screening procedures (chemical tests and chromatography). all the 18 patients were diagnosed by enzymatic analyses. conclusion: the iem frequency diagnosed in this study (1.98%) was reasonable, since this group of patients came from a single hospital. the methodology proved to be efficient, indicating 12 iem cases among the 18 diagnosed. the study shows the importance of specialized laboratories for the detection of this kind of pathology.

  • 出版日期2007
