
Angra dos Reis City, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, is an area of environmental interest due to the great tourist activity, mainly nautical. Also, Angra dos Reis is of economic importance based on its oil terminal, harbor, shipyard, and nuclear power plant. For this reason, the composition and levels of selected organic geochemical markers such as aliphatic hydrocarbons (total and linear alkanes), petroleum biomarkers (hopanes, steranes) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in order to determine baseline data for future management strategies. Sediment samples were collected at six sites, extracted, and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and gas chromatography/flame ionization detection. Concentrations varied from 14.5-464.9 mu g/g for total aliphatic hydrocarbons (TAH, total detector response), from 0.3 to 29.4 mu g/g for linear alkanes, from 13.3 to 677.5 ng/g for sum of hopanes plus steranes (petroleum biomarkers), and from 6.3 to 277.0 ng/g for PAHs (sum of 15 individual PAH) in sediment samples (dry weight). The sites most impacted by petroleum and PAH contamination were the harbor/shipyard, the yacht club, and the oil terminal, in this order, where boating and shipping activities are highest. In contrast, the level for TAH was surpassed at the yacht club site and was at the limiting value of 100 mu g/g in the harbor. All six sites are contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons (hopanes, steranes, unresolved complex mixture, PAHs). Two of the sites were classified as polluted when both the concentration of TAHs and PAHs are considered; two of them were considered at background level of these hydrocarbon compounds, Pimenta and Aquidaba (18.2 and 13.3 ng/g hopanes/steranes; 24.6 and 16.5 mu g/g TAH; 8.7 and 6.3 ng/g PAH). The overall concentrations of anthropogenic hydrocarbons revealed low to moderate hydrocarbon pollution in the studied area, considering mainly the TAH and PAHs.

  • 出版日期2007