
This study develops a crossform CE microfluidic device in which a single-circular barrier or a double-circular barrier is introduced at the cross-channel intersection. Utilizing a conventional crossform injection scheme, it is shown that these barriers reduce sample leakage and deliver a compact sample band into the separation channel, thereby ensuring an enhanced detection performance. A series of numerical and experimental investigations are performed to investigate the effects of the barrier type and the barrier ratio on the flow streamlines within the microchannel and to clarify their respective effects on the sample leakage ratio and sample plug variance during the injection process. The results indicate that a single-circular barrier injector with a barrier ratio greater than 20% and a double-circular barrier injector with a barrier ratio greater than 40% minimize the sample leakage ratio and produce a compact sample plug. As a result, both injectors have an excellent potential for use in high-quality, high-throughput chemical analysis procedures and in many other applications throughout the micro-total analysis systems field.

  • 出版日期2008-8