Manipulation of collective quantum states in Bose-Einstein condensates by continuous imaging

作者:Wade Andrew C J*; Sherson Jacob F; Molmer Klaus
来源:Physical Review A, 2016, 93(2): 023610.


We develop a Gaussian state treatment that allows a transparent quantum description of the continuous, nondestructive imaging of and feedback on a Bose-Einstein condensate. We have previously demonstrated [A. C. J. Wade et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 060401 (2015)] that the measurement backaction of stroboscopic imaging leads to selective squeezing and entanglement of quantized density oscillations. Here, we investigate how the squeezing and entanglement are affected by the finite spatial resolution and geometry of the probe laser beam and of the detector and how they can be optimized.

  • 出版日期2016-2-4