
Oxyntomodulin (Oxm) is a hormone which has been shown to exhibit a range of potentially beneficial actions for alleviation of obesity-diabetes However, exploitation of Oxm-based therapies has been severely restricted due to degradation by the enzyme dipeptidylpeptidase-IV (DPP-IV). Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the glucose-lowering, insulin-releasing and anorexigenic actions of chemically modified, enzyme-resistant analogues of Oxm Oxm, (D-Ser(2))Oxm and (D-Ser(2))Oxm[mPEG-PAL], were incubated with DPP-IV to assess enzyme stability and pancreatic beta-cells to evaluate insulin secretion. cAMP production was assessed using glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucagon receptor transfected cells. In vivo effects of Oxm analogues on glucose homeostasis, insulin secretion, food Intake and bodyweight were examined in obese diabetic (ob/ob) mice. (D-Ser(2))Oxm[mPEG-PAL] displayed enhanced DPP-IV resistance compared to (D-Ser(2))Oxm and Oxm. All peptides demonstrated similar in vitro cAMP and insulin-releasing actions, which was associated with dual action at GLP-1 and glucagon receptors Acute administration of (D-Ser(2))Oxm[mPEG-PAL] and (D-Ser(2))Oxm reduced plasma glucose and food intake, whilst plasma insulin levels were elevated. Once-daily administration of (D-Ser(2))Oxm[mPEG-PAL] for 14 days to ob/ob mice decreased food intake, bodyweight, plasma glucose and increased plasma insulin. Furthermore, daily (D-Ser(2))Oxm[mPEG-PAL] improved glucose tolerance, increased glucose-mediated insulin secretion, pancreatic insulin content, adiponectin and decreased both visfatin and triglyceride levels. The ability of enzyme-resistant (D-Ser(2))Oxm[mPEG-PAL] to improve glucose homeostasis, insulin secretion, satiety, bodyweight and markers of fat metabolism suggests significant promise for Oxm-based therapies for obesity-diabetes.

  • 出版日期2010-12-1