A new three-step cellular automaton model considering a realistic driving decision

作者:Shang Hua Yan*; Peng Yu
来源:Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment , 2012, P10001.


Most cellular automaton (CA) traffic flow models include four steps and take the velocity as the driver's main concern. To better understand traffic behaviors, a new three-step CA model is studied, in which a realistic driving decision is divided into three stages: decision-making, action and result. The new model is novel in using the acceleration as a decision variable. It considers the deceleration limitation and proposes the maximum deceleration to be 2 cells per time step, based on real experimental data. Simulation results show that the model can reproduce the synchronized flow effectively and describe the phase transition well. Moreover, it can exhibit metastability and hysteresis if the slow-to-start effect is involved. Finally, a realistic application to systematic flow optimization is analyzed and an interesting result is obtained that a restriction of the inflow can lead to an improvement of the total flow through a bottleneck
