
Miletin basin is located in a temperate continental climate with excessive variations. In this case rainfall causes an increased dispersion of values around the average multiannual flow. Between the stations Sipote and Nicolae Balcescu, where the natural drainage system is affected by human activity, there is a good correlation of the average annual flow fluctuations. The Pearson correlation coefficients of the artificial flow regime from Halceni-downstream flows and changes in the upstream gauging stations (natural regime) have low values. Equally there is a weak correlation between rainfall and the Halceni downstream flow. Analyzing the Moldavian Plain area is an innovation in Romanian literature. For this reason the data obtained cannot be compared with other regions of the country or similar basins. As a result of the relief of the basin in the area drained being relatively flat and low, there is a good correlation between the amount of precipitation and surface runoff. The liquid debit is strongly influenced by human activity, particularly by water harvesting for agriculture of by water collecting in fish farms.

  • 出版日期2012-2