
In this paper we obtain new solutions of Type HA and massive Type IIA supergravity. These solutions are the result of implementing a non-abelian T-duality along the internal SU(2) isometrics of several D3-brane configurations on the resolved conifold, studied by Pando Zayas and Tseytlin. We first study the pure NS resolved conifold solution, then we add fluxes by placing a stack of D3-branes at the tip of the resolved conifold and finally we consider the system of regular and fractional D3-branes at the tip. We present the non-abelian T-duals associated with these backgrounds and study their geometries and fluxes. We briefly comment on some field theory features by studying couplings and the central charge of the dual field theory. We also analyze the supersymmetry of the dual solutions and show that for the system of only D3 branes the duality defines a map between backgrounds with SU(3) and orthogonal SU(2) structures.

  • 出版日期2015-8-28