
Rayleigh and Love wave phase velocities in the northern part of the North China are obtained from ambient noise tomography in the period range of 8-35 s and two plane wave earthquake tomography at periods of 20-91 s using data recorded at 222 broadband seismic stations from the temporary North China Seismic Array and permanent China Digital Seismic Array. The dispersion curves of Rayleigh and Love wave from 8 to 91 s are jointly inverted for the 3-D shear wave structure and radial anisotropy in the lithosphere to 140 km depth. Distinct seismic structures is observed from the Fenhe Graben and Taihang Mountain to the North China Basin. The North China Basin from the lower crust to the depth of 140 km is characterized by high-velocity anomaly, reflecting mafic intrusion and residual materials after the extraction of melt, and by strong radial anisotropy with Vsh > Vsv, implying horizontal layering of intrusion and alignment of minerals due to vigorous extensional deformation and subsequent thermal annealing. However, low-velocity anomaly and positive radial anisotropy are observed in the Fenhe Graben and Taihang Mountain, suggesting the presence of partial melt in the lithosphere due to the mantle upwelling and horizontal flow pull.

  • 出版日期2015-9
  • 单位中国地震局地震预测研究所