
Background/Objective: Exploring the association between magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) temporomandibular joint (TMJ) scanography and clinical manifestations of joint pain and sounds in patients with temporomandibular (TM) disorder.
Patients and Methods: This study included 62 TM joints with internal derangement. Sagittal scanography and MRI of these TMJs were obtained and reported blindly by the consensus of two radiologists.
Results: No significant association was observed between clinical and scanographic findings with MRI. The abnormal range of motion had significant relationship with pain (P=0.017) and sound (P=0.046). There was a strong association between sound and condylar flattening (P=0.007).
Conclusion: It was demonstrated that joint pain and sounds were predictors of the abnormal range of motion in TMJ scanography. Sound could be heard more often in patients with condylar, flattening, and TMJ scanographic findings as well as joint pain and sounds had limited value in the diagnosis of disk position or effusion.

  • 出版日期2010
