Anomalous scaling laws of hyperbolic metamaterials in a tubular geometry

作者:Tang, Shiwei*; Fang, Yangfu; Zhou, Lei; Liu, Zhaowei; Mei, Yongfeng
来源:Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 2018, 35(2): 391-395.


Hyperbolic metamaterials (HMM) can be used to control light propagations in emerging meta-devices and thus lead to various functionalities (e.g., hyperlens and cloaking devices). Here we propose a kind of exotic tubular cavity by using multilayered HMM, which contrasts with traditional materials with elliptical dispersion. In such tubular microcavities, the calculations reveal that they have anomalous scaling laws, such as that the higher-order resonance mode oscillates at a longer wavelength and the resonant wavelengths hold their positions with changing the tube wall thickness and diameter. These findings can help the understanding of tubular metamaterials and could inspire interesting optical experiments and metadevices.