
In this paper, a novel structure has been suggested for Deferential Evolutionary (DE) Algorithm to find optimal size/location of substation. To improve simple DE algorithm, four improvement stages are applied on DE algorithm which is called Adaptive bi-Scenario Deferential Evolutionary (AbSDE) algorithm. In improvement process, at first, crossover rate and scaling factor of mutation operator are adapted. Then two scenarios are introduced for mutation operator and finally migration operator is added to DE algorithm to escape from local optimal points. The AbSDEA has been used to solve a multistage Optimal Substation Placement (OSP). The OSP is formulated in three stages; the number and size/location of substation are obtained at first and second stages, respectively. In third stage, cost of project formulated as function of geographical and electrical parameters. Simulation is done in six load levels and two novel indices are defined to analyze obtained results from proposed algorithm. To confirm capability of AbSDE algorithm to solve OSP problem, results of the algorithm have been compared with simple DE and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithms.

  • 出版日期2012-12