
In sustainable crop production, most important is a healthy crop, resistant to pests and adverse environment. One of the approaches to a healthier crop is through hardening the crop seedlings based on the mechanisms of xerophytophysiology. A hardening practice, the so-called AnM cultivation method for peanut production, was tested in the present research. The three letters, A, n and M, refer to the shapes of the ridge at different stages. The letter "A" shows the shape of ridge cross-section after the seeds are sown; the small letter "n" shows the ridge cross-section shape at the seedling stage, when the hypocotyls are exposed by removing away the soil around; and the letter "M" shows the ridge cross-section shape at the full blossom stage, when soil is earthed tip from both sides of the ridge to welcome the pegs. Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) was grown in experimental field of a fine-textured Andosol. After the hypocotyls exposed for two weeks, the plants appeared more vigorous with a shortened and stronger type. After earthing up treatment, both plant growth rate and leaf photosynthetic activities increased, consequently resulting in a shell yield increase of 20%. According to the pressure-volume (P-V) curve analysis, the fraction of the symplasmic water was larger, the osmotic concentration higher and as a consequence the leaf turgor potential became higher in leaves of hypocotyl exposed peanut plants, especially at the middle and later stages when the soil was earthed up to the ridge. The high leaf turgor maintenance is considered as the main one of the mechanisms for the yield increasing effect of the AnM treatment.