
We demonstrate a one-step, low-cost and easily scalable pyrolysis route to fabricate a novel MnOX/Mn2N-N-C nanohybrid with MnOX/Mn2N nanoparticles (20-30 nm) anchored on the wrinkled N-doped carbon nanosheets (denoted as N-C). MnOMn2N-N-C displays a remarkably higher ORR activity than that of N-C, suggesting that the MnO,/Mn2N nanoparticles play an important role in enhancing the ORR activity. Furthermore, MnOx/ Mn2N-N-C exhibits overwhelmingly better durability than commercial 20 wt% Pt/C, to be specific, 93.7% current retention after continuous operation for 24,000 s, while 59.7% for 20 wt% Pt/C.
