Methods for determination of HIV tropism and their clinical use

作者:Gutierrez Felix*; Carlos Rodriguez Juan; Garcia Federico; Poveda Eva
来源:Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica, 2011, 29: 45-50.


Determination of HIV-1 tropism is mandatory before using CCR5 antagonists in clinical practice. One drug of this class, maraviroc, has been approved for the treatment of HIV infection. The phenotypic assay, TrofileTM, was clinically validated in the clinical development program of maraviroc and has been widely used to select candidates for maraviroc therapy. Phenotypic tests, however, have the disadvantage of being complex, are costly and time-consuming, and their accessibility is limited, which hampers their routine use in clinical diagnosis. Genotypic assays, based on sequencing the third hypervariable (V3 loop) of the viral gene env, interpreted according to various genotypic bioinformatic tools, such as geno2pheno and PSSM, are faster and cheaper than phenotypic assays, and are also more accessible. In retrospective analyses of the maraviroc pivotal trials, genotypic methods using either conventional ("bulk") or deep-sequencing technology predicted virologic response to maraviroc similarly to phenotypic assays and are now included within several European recommendations to guide the clinical use of CCR5 antagonists.

  • 出版日期2011-12