Disorder-induced charge-density-wave-superfluid transition in SU(N) Fermi systems

作者:Sakaida Masaru*; Kawakami Norio
来源:Physical Review A, 2014, 90(1): 013632.


We investigate SU(N) attractive Fermi systems with disorder using a Bogoliubov-de Gennes method at zero temperature with particular focus on the SU(3) case. The charge correlation function, the distribution function of the superfluid (SF) order parameter, and the free energy are calculated for a two-dimensional square lattice system at half filling. From the disorder average of these quantities, we find that disorder triggers a transition from the charge-density-wave (CDW) phase to the SF phase; disorder suppresses the CDW order, making the SF state stable. This disorder-driven phase transition is of first order and is unique for SU(3) systems; it has not been observed for the disordered SU(2) systems studied so far. We elucidate the properties of the CDW-SF transition from the disorder-averaged density of states and the distribution function of the particle density and thus obtain the ground-state phase diagram. We also address the SU(4) case and find that the CDW state is driven directly to the Anderson localized state, but the SF phase is not stabilized. We argue what will be expected for generic N cases.

  • 出版日期2014-7-31