
We propose a Bayesian hierarchical model for multiple comparisons in mixed models where the repeated measures on subjects are described with the subject random effects. The model facilitates inferences in parameterizing the successive differences of the population means, and for them, we choose independent prior distributions that are mixtures of a normal distribution and a discrete distribution with its entire mass at zero. For the other parameters, we choose conjugate or vague priors. The performance of the proposed hierarchical model is investigated in the simulated and two real data sets, and the results illustrate that the proposed hierarchical model can effectively conduct a global test and pairwise comparisons using the posterior probability that any two means are equal. A simulation study is performed to analyze the type I error rate, the familywise error rate, and the test power. The Gibbs sampler procedure is used to estimate the parameters and to calculate the posterior probabilities.

  • 出版日期2015