
An analysis of tropical rain forest covering Amazonian lowlands has highlighted a systematic across-path, east-west radiometric gradient within Landsat TM imagery. Visual assessment of 45 and quantitative analysis of 20 Amazonian Landsat-4 and -5 TM scenes show that the gradient is band dependent and pronounced in visible light bands I to 3 but significant also in IR bands 4 to 7. The results show that the scan line location of a pixel explains a considerable amount of the DN variation of forests in the width of the entire scene (B1: 70%, 132: 52%, 133: 44%, 134: 34%, 135: 46%, B7: 39%). In digital numbers, the difference between east and west side of a scene may be small (9, 4, 3, 10, 9, 3, respectively) but these differences become significant if the images are to be mosaicked, or the data are used for mapping relatively subtle differences of natural forests. Apparently, the gradient is a result of at least three factors: 1) shadows caused by the undulating terrain, 2) anisotropic reflectance of the varying surfaces, and 3) atmospheric scattering. The phenomenon becomes more significant when the sun is high and the scanning line is close to solar azimuth direction-a. condition more easily encountered in lower latitudes of the earth.

  • 出版日期2006-2-28
