A Key Role of microRNA-29b for the Suppression of Colon Cancer Cell Migration by American Ginseng

作者:Poudyal, Deepak; Cui, Xiangli; Le, Phuong Mai; Hofseth, Anne B.; Windust, Anthony; Nagarkatti, Mitzi; Nagarkatti, Prakash S.; Schetter, Aaron J.; Harris, Curtis C.; Hofseth, Lorne J.*
来源:PLos One, 2013, 8(10): e75034.


Metastasis of colon cancer cells increases the risk of colon cancer mortality. We have recently shown that American ginseng prevents colon cancer, and a Hexane extract of American Ginseng (HAG) has particularly potent anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. Dysregulated microRNA (miR) expression has been observed in several disease conditions including colon cancer. Using global miR expression profiling, we observed increased miR-29b in colon cancer cells following exposure to HAG. Since miR-29b plays a role in regulating the migration of cancer cells, we hypothesized that HAG induces miR-29b expression to target matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) thereby suppressing the migration of colon cancer cells. Results are consistent with this hypothesis. Our study supports the understanding that targeting MMP-2 by miR-29b is a mechanism by which HAG suppresses the migration of colon cancer cells.