Deformation‐Induced Supersaturation in Immiscible Material Systems during High‐Pressure Torsion

作者:Karoline Sophie, Kormout; Reinhard, Pippan; Andrea, Bachmaier
来源:Advanced Engineering Materials, 2017, 19(4).


<jats:sec><jats:label /><jats:p>The review focuses on the supersaturation process of immiscible elements induced by high‐pressure torsion deformation. A variety of investigated material systems offers the systematic analysis of the controlling factors for mechanical intermixing, which are mainly determined by the level of the positive heat of mixing and the deformation behavior. The homogeneity of the deformation process strongly influences the degree of supersaturation. Our results show that the fundamental mixing mechanism during deformation is not necessarily the same in all systems, but depends also on the strength differences of the phases and accordingly the deformation behavior.</jats:p></jats:sec>

  • 出版日期2017-4
  • 单位Austrian Academy of Sciences
