
The emerging unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) remote sensing is an important supplement to traditional aerial and satellite remote sensing due to its flexible, fast and cost-effective capability for acquiring very high spatial resolution imagery. In this study, we explored the application of UAV to monitoring mangrove forests. The study area is located in the Yingluo Bay, on the borders between Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces. Using the UAV, we collected aerial photos of the coastal zones of Yingluo Bay, covering an area of 25.29 km2 with three flight missions totaling 2.5 hours. The high-resolution aerial images were first mosaicked and then used for interpretation and classification of mangrove forests. A typical sample plot of the study area was selected to conduct classification of mangrove species using object-oriented classification method with the nearest neighbor classifier. The classification accuracy of visual interpretation of mangrove forests extraction and that of object-oriented nearest neighbor analysis for mangrove species classification were both higher than 90%. We also compared our approach to conventional technology of aerial and satellite remote sensing for monitoring mangrove wetlands. Results suggested that UAV would be a good choice for mangrove research. It is promised that UAV would become a popular and useful tool for researchers and government agencies to contribute to mangrove reservation and management.
