
Introduction - Nigerian Dwarf goat is a miniature dairy goat breed of West African ancestry. In Italy it is best known as Tibetan goat although it is not at all original in these regions. It was introduced in our country for the sole purpose ornamental and it is now widespread. Cerebral coenurosis is a parasitic disease caused by infection with the larval stage (Coenurus cerebralis) of Taenia multiceps. The disease is common in Mediterranean regions, well described in sheep reared in extensive mode, it can also infect goats. The incidence of this parasitic disease in goat is lower than sheep even when the two species graze together.
Aim - To describe the clinical approach and the follow up in a case of spinal chronic Coenurus cerebralis in a Nigerian Dwarf goat.
Material and methods - Neurological examination showed ambulatory tetraparesis and ataxia more prominent in the pelvic limbs, slight delay in the retraction of the front right limb. The neuroanatomical lesion was clinically localized in the C6-T2 segment of the spinal cord. Cervical and thoracic spine MRI was performed. A presumptive diagnosis of spinal cyst due to Coenurosus cerebralis was made. The surgical procedure for the removal of the cyst is described. A second MRI was performed 3 months later.
Results and discussion - MRI revealed an intradural/extra-medullary elliptic lesion with sharp margin, hypointense on SET1W and FLAIR sequences, hyperintense on FSET2W, extending from the second thoracic vertebrae caudally to the fourth. The cyst caused a massive spinal cord compression. A left emilaminectomy T2-T3 was performed in order to remove the cyst. The animal showed a progressive improvement of symptoms in the next three months. Three months after the surgery clinical examination revealed mild ambulatory paraparesis, mild proprioceptive deficit on the rear limbs with no neurological deficit on the front limbs. MRI repeated three months later revealed no significant deformation or deviation of the spinal cord.
Conclusion - Despite the disease is considered rare in goat, it should be considered as a cause of paresis and/or ataxia in small ruminants, especially in geographic areas where the disease is common. The use of advanced imaging allows optimization of the surgical planning. Surgical removal of the cyst allows an excellent and rapid clinical recovery.

  • 出版日期2013-4