
We consider a joint resource partition and scheduling problem. We are given m identical cores and discrete resources of total size k. We need to partition the resources among these cores. A set of jobs must be processed non-preemptively on these cores after the resource partition. The processing time of a job on a core depends on the size of resources allocated to that corresponding core. The resource allocation scheme is static, i.e., we cannot change the amount of resources that was allocated to a core during the whole scheduling. Hassidim et al. (2013) investigated this problem with a general processing time function, i.e., the processing time of a job is an arbitrary function of the level of resources allocated to that core. They provided an algorithm with approximation ratio of 36. In this paper, we improve the approximation ratio to 8 by presenting a new resource partition scheme. Next, we consider a special model where the core's speed is proportional to its allocated resource, then we present two algorithms with improved approximation ratios.