
synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image formation for a ground moving target necessitates the compensation of the unknown target trajectory. The keystone transform has been employed to remove the linear component of the range migration for the moving target, where interpolation is required. In this letter, a realization of the keystone transform avoiding interpolation is presented. The kernel of this transform, i.e., the range-frequency-dependent azimuth time resealing, is implemented using only complex multiplications and fast Fourier transforms based on the scaling principle, which has been successfully applied in the equalization of the space-variant range cell migration in SAR processing. In addition, the moving target is coarsely focused according to the SAR geometry and the platform velocity while exploiting the scaling principle. This preliminary focusing is helpful in the isolation of the moving target from ground clutter, so as to facilitate a more refined processing with respect to each mover. SAR raw data combined with simulated echoes of moving targets are utilized to validate the presented approach.