AF inverse monoids and the structure of countable MV-algebras

作者:Lawson Mark V; Scott Philip*
来源:Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2017, 221(1): 45-74.


This paper is a further contribution to the developing theory of Boolean inverse monoids. These monoids should be regarded as non-commutative generalizations of Boolean algebras; indeed, classical Stone duality can be generalized to this non commutative setting to yield a duality between Boolean inverse monoids and a class of etale topological groupoids. MV-algebras are also generalizations of Boolean algebras which arise from many-valued logics. It is the goal of this paper to show how these two generalizations are connected. To do this, we define a special class of Boolean inverse monoids having the property that their lattices of principal ideals naturally form an MV-algebra. We say that an arbitrary MV-algebra can be co-ordinatized if it is isomorphic to an MV-algebra arising in this way. Our main theorem is that every countable MV-algebra can be so co-ordinatized. The particular Boolean inverse monoids needed to establish this result are examples of what we term AF inverse monoids and are the inverse monoid analogues of AF C*-algebras. In particular, they are constructed from Bratteli diagrams as direct limits of finite direct products of finite symmetric inverse monoids.

  • 出版日期2017-1