
First-, second-, and third-order calibration methods were investigated for the simultaneous determination of folic acid and methotrexate. The interest in the determination of these compounds is related to the fact that methotrexate inhibits the body's absorption of folic acid and prolonged treatment with methotrexate may lead to folic acid deficiency, and to the use of folic acid to cope with toxic side effects of methotrexate. Both analytes were converted into highly fluorescent compounds by oxidation with potassium permanganate, and the kinetics of the reaction was continuously monitored by recording the kinetics curves of fluorescence emission, the evolution with time of the emission spectra and the excitation -emission matrices (EEMs) of the samples at different reaction times. Direct determination of mixtures of both drugs in urine was accomplished on the basis of the evolution of the kinetics of EEMs by fluorescence measurements and four-way parallel-factor analysis (PARAFAC) or multiway partial least squares (N-PLS) chemometric calibration. The core consistency diagnostic (CORCONDIA) was employed to determine the correct number of factors in PARAFAC and the procedure converged to a choice of three factors, attributed to folic acid, methotrexate and to the sum of fluorescent species present in the urine.

  • 出版日期2006-8