
The sources of theoretical uncertainties in the prediction of the two-neutron drip line are analyzed in the framework of covariant density functional theory. We concentrate on single-particle and pairing properties as potential sources of these uncertainties. The major source of these uncertainties can be traced back to the differences in the underlying single-particle structure of the various covariant energy density functionals (CEDF's). It is found that the uncertainties in the description of single-particle energies at the two-neutron drip line are dominated by those existing already in known nuclei. Only approximately one-third of these uncertainties are from the uncertainties in the isovector channel of CEDF's. Thus, improving the CEDF description of single-particle energies in known nuclei will also reduce the uncertainties in the prediction of the position of the two-neutron drip line. The predictions of pairing properties in neutron-rich nuclei depend on the CEDF. Although pairing properties affect moderately the position of the two-neutron drip line they represent only a secondary source for the uncertainties in the definition of the position of the two-neutron drip line.

  • 出版日期2015-1-29