
Due to the complex relationship between the current history through an electroexplosive opening switch (EEOS) and the switch impedance, numerical modeling methods are required to understand the dynamic switch and circuit behavior of inductive energy storage systems incorporating EEOSs. A method for numerically modeling a compact pulsed-power system consisting of a high-current source, an inductive energy store, an EEOS, and a resistive load is developed. Previous models of switch resistance are extended to recognize restrike conditions and enable modeling of system operation after restrike. In addition, the model is developed such that either a transformer or an uncoupled inductor can be implemented as the inductive energy storage component. The required circuit equations are derived, and a technique to model the dynamic circuit resistance utilizing the time derivatives of circuit currents is described. Thus, a unique modeling method, which is entirely user definable and compatible with a variety of numerical processing software, is developed. Detailed descriptions of the system under consideration, the modeling method, and modeling constraints are provided. The equations describing the switch resistance and circuit response are derived. An example simulation in which restrike occurs is presented, and modeling results are compared to experimentally measured data.

  • 出版日期2010-10